
Showing posts from December, 2019

2019 Highlights

What a year it's been. My first full-time job. My first car. My first apartment. My second car... This has been a year of change and transition for me and many of the people I love. We've gained amazing experiences, lost loved ones, and learned that life can be anything you make of it, good or bad. I always like to take a step back to reflect on the passing year, and as we move into a new decade it seems even more important. So, let's take it back now y'all. January -Started my first post-grad job at Matter, learned how to rise before the sun -Saw Hamilton from the third row with Hannah -Bought my first car, a 2008 Ford Escape. RIP Bev. February -Attended my first "business trip" to Penn State -Introduced Andrew to the brisket mac-n-cheese pizza at Lupi & Leo -Attended Louis & Colten's wedding at the Carnegie Museum of Art March -Took my Uncle David to visit the National Aviary and Randyland -Celebrated my four-year anniversary wi